프로그래밍/파이썬 공부

슬랙봇 제작 시 참고자료 주소

이자다 2023. 6. 5. 00:54

슬랙 공식 파이썬 제작 가이드: https://slack.dev/bolt-python/tutorial/getting-started


Slack | Bolt for Python

This guide is meant to walk you through getting up and running with a Slack app using Bolt for Python. Along the way, we’ll create a new Slack app, set up your local environment, and develop an app that listens and responds to messages from a Slack works




슬랙 api 문서: https://slack.dev/bolt-python/api-docs/slack_bolt/#header-submodules


slack_bolt API documentation

Package slack_bolt A Python framework to build Slack apps in a flash with the latest platform features.Read the getting started guide and look at our code examples to learn how to build apps using Bolt. Expand source code """ A Python framework to build Sl


